Sometimes you just have to laugh about all the horrible things that happen. Sometimes I have these doubts in my mind that all of this is even real. This is my blog and I'll cry if I want to, not that I'm in a crying mood cause I try not to blog when that happens :) BUT in this night, the one of march 10th, 2011 I got a phone call from my mother telling me, and I quote, "Don't ever call me again, find a new mother." I really wish this was one of those moments that I just turn around and laugh about, but this one hit me like a ton of metal super heroes that were defeated by some evil metal man (or something like that). I'll just say it, I'm thankful for the trials that the Lord gives me. I may not truly believe those words right at this moment, but hey I put it on the internet so hopefully that counts for something??? No, but really I KNOW that the Lord doesn't give me anything I can't handle-- when bad things happen what else are your opinions? If there's one thing that I want people to say about me when I die it's that I was always happy. I never want to be one of those people that blames the bad things that happen to them a reason of why they are the way they are. WHOAAA did that make sense? Even though most of you out there reading this have seen me at some of my worst moments, I hope you think of me as a happy person.
Anyways, mom if your out there- I love you, and I need you. Just like all daughters need and love their mothers. I need you in my life because well... your my mom. You'll always be my mom no matter what you do, I'm not going anywhere.
"Families can be together forever"
Lex... I think we feel our struggles with our family so much more intensely because of the love we have for them. And that's how it should be. I'm so sorry...
Love you.
Alexa, I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. You are so strong, and everything will work out in the end. Love you.
This makes me sad but I also know who you are and that you are a strong daughter of God who can see the light through the darkness! I love your perspective, I love what you said about not being that person who blames everything on their circumstances. I got you! I was thinking about it after I read your post and I thought about how sometimes when we are moody or hormonal or sick, we can become very irrational and say very hurtful things to the people we love the most, I just prefer to think that your mom is just going through that right now, but I know she loves you and I pray she can get through whatever it is she is going through! You are a wonderful daughter and know that you are doing all you can, this is her battle and showing her Christlike love is the best you can do! Hang in there Lexa, love you!
You are so amazing for the insanely patient, loving daughter you are. Just keep on pushing that rock even if you can't budge it... it will make you stronger! :) I love you so much Alexa!
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