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Well, I seriously having sleeping problems right now- so blogging sounds pretty good. Post Cabo life is not that great :) I applied for a job at the Paul Mitchell school here in Rexburg as the front desk person (cause thats what position they were hiring in).  They said that they would call me the first week of Feb- so I'll just give them a little reminder tomorrow that I'm still here.  I have to say that I'm really missing home right now, I want to move back to Cali but Brent wants to stay here.  I understand, but there's really nothing out here for me- no good salons (or jobs for that matter), I'm off track right now, I really want to be with family.  So we all know that I'm 22 and a woman so I change my mind about every 42 seconds BUT I believe I might have made a break through! I'm always ALWAYS thinking about what I want to do with my life- YES I love doing hair and I WILL do it and going to school for that was awesome blah blah blah- BUT I was thinking that I would like a degree in Studio Production (recording arts).  Brent is always asking me, " What would make you jealous if someone said that's what they did for a living?" and thats my answer.... and I would LOVE to work in a music studio.  Now of course these thoughts are premature and they don't offer that here at BYUI- but they do at SAC state or American River!!!! hahaha I can dream a little right? 

Don't get me wrong Idaho is an awesome place, but it was cooler when I was single and going home on my off track hahaha. I mean literally the only things keeping me here are: Brent, my best friend Jeree, and the possibility that Chelsea might be moving in with us in the summer.  I'll be honest I get depressed too easily here.

On a lighter note- to start makin some money I've started making these headbands. I'm going to go around to the local businesses, around campus, and my ward of course :) I've barely started but here's a little preview... Feedback is highly recommended.
I'm going to make some that are just regular headbands- just got to find some that I like. I also made some clip ones too.

P.S. my header is missing.


Cortney Scott said...

Those are so fun. I love them. I need to be better at mine. you must come and teach me again! I love you and miss you tons.

Ian, Jessica, Halle, Camdyn, and Quinn! said...

The blackie is my fav! So cute!!! Alexa, we LOVE YOU no matter what you do!!! Hang in there, you'll get it! I selfishly want you to have millions of BABIES!!! :) tee hee, love you!

kaysi van dyke fox said...

youre really pretty. and cool. and smart. and i love you!!! and i love the headband you made me!!! im obsessed and will be ordering more from you!! seriously alexa put them on etsy so i can tell everyone about them!!! they are way too cute!!! ps. take me with you to california when you go back! :( utah is cold too and its boring here! haha

kaysi van dyke fox said...

ps. how is ollie, i miss that freakin cat!!!! haha