This is the best picture of Brent I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! I love it when he laughs and smiles like this- Don't ask me what they were talking about because I can barely follow along with all the movie quotes and inside jokes!
OH YES- this happened and I couldn't be more happy about it!
Comcast- ps. I've never seen Brent with a sweater or vest thing tied around his neck :)
Life has given Brent and I more fruit to eat with lately! That doesn't make sense- Let's see new things- I got a JOB! Its great, flexable hours, easy, and pays nice! Any guesses??? I clean the Granite Park in Sandy, Utah! It's been nice because going to school is more like a job 9-5 and this job makes it easy to, well- be alive. I look like one of those kids who has to pick up trash because they did something wrong. Brent is still workin the comcast, and will be starting school really soon- he's taking an English class (my favorite) and some business ones. He's really excited to continue to learn. We are still "dancers" dance teachers for the temple celebration in Draper- its been a blessing seeing all these kids do there best to understand the steps. We are still teaching our Sunday School class and STILL love them. Its hard sometimes to sperate being friends from teachers cause we actually are really close in age. It's way fun to tell them stories and teach them the gospel in ways that we thought we''re the best for us at that age. A GREAT thanks to Brother Riggins I use his methods and stories every week! I'm now taking "Guests" its the most rewarding job/schooling! The other day some girls came in to get there hair done and make-up for there prom. I did one of the girls, and she was so happy- I knew that she just loved everything that she saw in the mirror. It makes to excited to see that reaction. Life is good- we are going on 7 months next week before I know it it will be 7 years! Being married is amazing and a complete learning journey. It helps to read about how much everyone in my life loves their spouse. I don't know what I would ever do without Brent, the Lord truely put him in my path to make me the best daughter of God that I could be. Anyways, I love and miss everyone! There's so many more pictures but those will be added another day.
You're all in our prayers!
I love you buddy, and am so happy to see the great woman you have become. Good Girl. Don't worry about the cooking thing, it will ware off in about ten years, Ian used to tell me to call his mom or sister to find out how to make things and I would cry, he has learned not to do that anymore and has adjusted just fine.
Hey there! I loved reading your update! You and Brent are probably the best teachers ever. I wish I could sit in our your class! We love you!!!
We love you guys! We had so much fun with you while we were there! Next time we'll stay with you guys so we can visit longer, except for next time we'll have 2 kids!!! Ahhh!!! Maybe I shouldn't invite us like that! I'm so sad We're not gonna see you guys until Christmas, that seems way to far away! Well, we miss you already! You're awesome!!!
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